Juggling Flowers

August 30, 2021 By LC Harrison Marigolds lay on the table, as she stared out the window, hopeful for his return. It was raining as her tears fell, she longed for him to wrap his arms around her once more. He had been gone for far too long, and she ached deeply inside for his comfort and love. She knew the moon was full outside, but it was hidden by all the clouds. She could still see the soft glow from it, as she lit a candle and whispered a prayer softly. She snuffed the candle, and moved from the window to her record player, and placed a favorite record on to listen to. It was a warm evening, and she decided to take a cool shower before she laid down in her bed for sleep. Awhile later, and she was laying in her bed, imagining him next to her as she soon drifted off to sleep. In her dreams, he was there watching her as she juggled knives. She recalled in her dream learning to juggle as a child with small sacks of rice and dried beans, graduating to juggling fruit of all types: ap...